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Bill's Pet Shop can special order a large variety of specialty Ball Pythons and other reptiles! Looking for something new and unique for your collection? Call us for a quote!! 252.637.3997 or 252.447.2750​

New Bern Available Reptiles: 


- Bearded Dragons

- Veiled Chameleon 

- Rainbow Jacksons Chameleon 

- Red Eye Crocodile Skink

- Savannah Monitor

- Argus Monitor


- Leopard Geckos

- Crested Geckos

- Leachianus Gecko

- Gargoyle Geckos


- Russian

- Red Foot

- Sulcata


- Assorted Ball Pythons

- Assorted Kingsnakes

- Assorted Milksnakes

- Assorted Corn Snakes

- Scaleless Hypo Corn Snake

- Western Hognoses

- Colombian Red Tail Boa 

- Rat Snakes 

- Bull Snake

- Anery Black Kenyan Sand Boa

- Children's Python

- Blood Python

Invertebrates and Amphibians:

- Pixie Frog

- Assorted Pacman Frogs

- Hermit Crabs

- Assorted Tarantulas

- Assorted Scorpions

- Rainbow Crab

- Jumping Spider

- Hissing Roaches

*Please call for animal availability*

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